Chiang Mai winter festival

#Winter #OTOP #festival

Huai Jo Reservoir


Nong Hoi Reservoir


Wiang Suttho Archaeological Site

#archaeological site

Mae Sap Cave


Japanese Military Memorial

#Military Memorial



700 Year Anniversary Park, Chiang Mai

#Parks #resting #photography

  Train Public Park

#Parks #fitness facilities #photography

Wat Thatkhao

#temple #wat #ruin

Phra Chao Kawila Monument Park

#Parks #resting #photography

Wiangkumkam Information Center

#Information Center

Bo Nam Thip Temple

#temple #wat #ruin

Princess Mothers Health Garden

#Health park #fitness facility #running place

Wat Nanchang (Wat Ping Hang)

#temple #wat #ruin

Nong buak haad Park

#Parks #resting #photography

Wat Chedi-Liem

#temple #wat #ruin

Phra Chao Ong Dam Temple

#temple #wat #ruin

Wat Changkam

#temple #wat #ruin

Saw Hint Temple

#temple #wat #ruin

Wat KuPadom

#temple #wat #ruin

Wat Chai Phra Kiat

#pay respect to 9 temples to enhance prosperity #pay respect #resperct9wat

Wat Chedi Luang

#pay respect to 9 temples to enhance prosperity #pay respect #resperct9wat

Wat Phasingh

#pay respect to 9 temples to enhance prosperity #pay respect #resperct9wat