GRAPH CAFE (One Nimman)

Someone asked why there is café called 'graph'?
When we journey to Sangkhlaburi. For open first one cafe (2010)
The way is up and down, snaking & winding. Same as the graph of our lives.Up and down, swings and round abouts.

This is where 'graph café' starts.

  • 2009 Start looking for a location in northern and western Thailand.
  • 2010 Found the wooden house at Sangkhlaburi, Kanchanaburi.  On June we open the GRAPH CAFE.
  • 2011 We start learning to make pizza from our Italian friend, and start baking for the         backpackers and NGO volunteers of the town. During the rainy season, we      take 45 days off to journey through Veitnam, China, and Korea to find      inspiration.      
  • 2012 Practice making coffee every day.
  • 2013 Practice making coffee every day.
  • 2014 Found a small perfect place in old town Chiangmai, and open our doors       in April 2014. In June we start making coldbrew coffee.
    Close GRAPH CAFE in Sangkhlaburi, Kanchanaburi in November.
  • 2015 Open GRAPH TABLE at moonmuang lane 6 (a short walk from GRAPH CAFE)      and start serving brunch, pasta, pizza and coffee. 
    In September we start making Nitro coldbrew coffee.


June 2024

Chiangmai's Events