Niranrat school

What’s “Niranrat”?

Niranrat is the largest professional training private institute in Thailand.

It’ unique like no other. Niranrat has specialized in tailoring, hairdressing, and designing area for over 40 years. Based on our longstanding experience, we acknowledge and more understand the learners than others. We are a leading pioneer in establishing the tailoring and hairdressing training school where domestic professional instructors are incorporated to share among learners their distinctive experience overtly. We are prominent and unique for many reasons;

    Just-a-time tuition fee paid by learner, who shall be granted to observe the newly innovative techniques of professional teaching throughout a training course.
    We provide special schedules for courses which have no impact on learner’s routine; including Saturdays – Sundays and business days after work in which learners can choose any session that best suits them.
    One-by-one course also is provided. An easy and faster way of training for learner and no limitation of the educational background on leaner.
    We include the personalized international home media which demonstration has been displayed by special instructors to improve the learner’s existing knowledge and skill.
    Encourage learners to express their talent. The excellent performance results by leaner would be publicized in either famous magazine or television media to the general public. The prominent learners would be recognized among the public even while being still a learner.
    Consult and serve as trainer in seeking for job or launching a new beauty salon by learner after finishing the course at Niranrat.
    After completion of training course, the learner shall be certified by the Ministry of Education that would be further useful in their career path advancement or further study both inland and overseas in respective area.

The Niranrat Professional Institute contains two major courses as follows;


Also, we offer the following services;

Conducting a presentation and demonstration for educational institutes and organizations
Sell and rent wedding suits and Thai-styled suits
Undertaking of facial makeup at any occasions upon customer’s request.
Retail and wholesale hairdressing accessories, cosmetics, spa, and other related particles.


August 2024

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